Be aware that just as in the main game, if you have not recruited Kaidan/Ashley, Javik or Tali into the squad (i.e.
This launches the main line of missions of the Citadel DLC. (self.masseffect) submitted 2 years ago by estheman. I played ME3 when it came out a long time ago, I started a new playthrough with all DLC hell I dont even know the DLC missions I got.
Main Story wise I just finished get the mother alien with grunt. Sell Best Sellers Prime Customer Service New Releases Todays Deals Pharmacy Books. Mass Effect 3 Mass Effect 3 How to start Citadel DLC? You can start the five-hour Citadel storyline at any time after the Cerberus coup during Mass Effect 3’s campaign, but it’s best saved until the last possible moment. Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC - PS3 Digital Code.
If you're starting Mass Effect 3's new Citadel DLC, you'll have to follow a few steps to get going. Mass Effect 3: Citadel is the final single player DLC pack for Mass Effect 3, offering fans one last sentimental journey with Commander Shepard and … Preparation Edit. Im still at the starting half of the game. Most overrated games I've played- SA2, TLOU, & SonicGenerations Best games I've played- SMW, SM64, SMG, Mass Effect 1-3, S3&K, Arkham, & Wind Waker Citadel- what I said at the beginning of this comment [sorry for making it this long, I just can't help myself when talking about DLC.